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865 Second Avenue West
Owen Sound, Ontario

St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church: a church community of faithful disciples of Jesus Christ, worshiping in Owen Sound, Ontario.

Board of Managers

Board of Managers 

St. Andrew’s is served by a Board of Managers which is comprised of members of the congregation at St Andrew’s who are elected at the Annual Congregational Meeting. Members are elected to the Board for a three-year term from within the members and adherents of the congregation. At the end of the three year term, the retiring member may stand for re-election to the Board.  Positions within the Board, namely Secretary, Treasurer, Chair and Vice Chair are filled by election at the first meeting following the Annual Meeting.

The Board meets monthly (except July & August) to discuss all matters pertaining to the church’s finances and the maintenance/operation of the church building. The minister is an ex-officio member of the Board who regularly attends the meetings.

The Board of Managers is responsible for setting the annual budget.  The draft budget is set by the Finance subcommittee in consultation with the treasurer.  The budget is presented to the congregation for approval at the annual meeting.

Meet St. Andrew’s Board Members

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 Duties of the Board of Managers include:

• Ensure that all financial obligations are paid in a timely manner.

 • Ensure that stipends and salaries are paid on the agreed-upon due dates and that honoraria plus travel are paid to guest ministers and interim moderators in consultation with Session.

 • Ensure that church is in good condition an emphasis on a safe environment.

 • Ensure that offerings are counted and recorded by two preferably unrelated people before being removed from the church and deposited immediately in the congregation’s bank account each Sunday.  The head counter shall oversee this process.

 • Keep the congregation informed of the financial situation of the congregation on a regular basis.

 • Prepare a year-end report of income and expenditures and, in consultation with the Session, develop a proposed budget for the new year. (Include information received from committees such as Christian education, worship, etc.)

 • Appoint and outline the duties of the church custodian and church secretary.

 • Consult paid personnel annually concerning contracts and salaries.

 • Conduct at least two joint meetings with the Session per year, and if the minister does not regularly attend Board meetings, extend an invitation for a few meetings a year.

 • Put insurance in place; make sure renewals with adequate coverages are done in a timely manner. Arrange for risk management assessment and building appraisals from time to time.

Each Board member is also a member of a committee and has responsibilities with respect to that role.

Committees include:

Property Committee – maintain the physical church building, consult with the Wednesday work crew, provide security for the church building.

Finance Committee – maintain the financial records for the congregation and oversight of the day to day financial operations, work with the financial trustees in the management of the congregation's investments, and prepare a yearly budget,

Personnel Committee – oversee the church secretary, church financial administrator & church custodian.

Offering Committee - oversee the counting and registration of the weekly offerings with Board members acting as Head Counters

Grounds Committee – oversee and help to maintain the grounds of the church.                                                                                                                                                        

Insurance Committee -provide adequate and competitive insurance coverage and maintain an up-to-date appraisal.

Alarm List – respond to emergencies at the Church after hours as called 

If you want to become more involved in the life and work of your congregation, serving on the Board of Managers is an excellent way to share your skills with your congregation, and gain insight into how your congregation runs its operational affairs from year to year. 

Pre-Authorized Remittance (PAR)

PAR, or Pre-Authorized Remittance, is a direct debit program that allows people to support their church through an automatic monthly withdrawal from their bank account.

Using the PAR program for offerings allows congregational members and adherents to give intentionally, proportionally and faithfully to the church, even when they are not able to be there in person. This helps provide the church with a dependable flow of contributions, makes budgeting easier and reduces paper work

The exact amount of the automatic transfer can be changed easily and quickly with a phone call to the church financial administrator.

* Contact the Board of Managers by calling or e-mailing the Church office:
519-376-7886 OR

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