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865 Second Avenue West
Owen Sound, Ontario

St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church: a church community of faithful disciples of Jesus Christ, worshiping in Owen Sound, Ontario.

Our Mission, Vision, and Values

Congregational Profile

Here is a comprehensive view of St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church. Please click here to view the profile.


 Our Mission

To become a vibrant community of faithful, thoughtful, and loving disciples of Jesus Christ, actively embracing the people of Owen Sound and beyond. 

Our Vision

We welcome God's work of drawing all things to himself in Jesus Christ, through the power of the Holy Spirit.  We joyfully participate in this work by striving to be a missionial community that is committed to: Dedicated Prayer, Vibrant Worship, Transforming Discipleship, Loving Service

What we Believe

We believe in the Triune God:  Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

We believe that the Father invites all people to share in the eternal communion of love and self-giving that He shares with the Son in the Holy Spirit.

We believe that God the Father sent his Son into the world as Jesus Christ in order to redeem all things from sin and death, and reconcile all things to himself through the Holy Spirit.

We believe that the invitation to share in the life of God is extended to each of us by the Holy Spirit who unites us with Christ Jesus, our only Lord and Saviour.

We believe in the transformative and regenerating work of the Holy Spirit in each individual and within the community of faith.

We believe the Bible is the primary source of God’s revelation to us, as it bears witness to the life, ministry, death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus Christ, who perfectly reveals God as He is.

We believe the Bible is trustworthy and formative for all matters of life and faith.

We believe that the Holy Spirit creates the Church as the body of Christ in the world, indwells it, and goes before it as the Church is sent into the world to participate in Jesus’ ongoing ministry of reconciliation.

We believe the sacraments of baptism and communion are two essential ways that we experience the grace of God in Jesus Christ.

We believe that God continues to make all things new in Christ, as His will is done on earth as it is in heaven.We believe in the Historical Creeds of the Church, including the Apostles’ Creed and the Nicene Creed, we accept the work of the Reformation as formative for our doctrine, and we adhere to the subordinate standards of the PCC.

Our Core Values

We value the Kingdom of God in our midst, and our faithful participation in it.

We value the importance of committed and intentional discipleship as we seek to follow Jesus Christ, and be transformed by the Holy Spirit in all we do and in all we are.

We value the importance of Christian education for all of God’s people, and of equipping the saints for ministry.

We value individual and corporate accountability to Jesus Christ as the only King and head of the Church, to each other in the context of loving Christian community, and to the elected leaders of the Session of St. Andrew’s.

We value the community of faith, including the family, as the context in which discipleship and faith formation are worked out.

We value our local community and the people of Owen Sound, and believe we are to develop loving and ministering relationships with our neighbours.

We value the gifts of ministry given to each one by the Holy Spirit, and encourage their use in diverse ministry and worship.

We value the contribution of ministry gifts and resources to faith communities within the PCC and within the national and global faith communities as opportunities allow.

 We value the image of God in each individual, and desire that all will be welcome and encouraged in their faith.

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